Grand Turk, Caicos Islands 7 June, 2013

This is our last port for this cruise.

We will need to do some googling when we get internet again as the ship map says this is in the Turk and Caicos Islands. This is not geography we are familiar with as we know only of the Cocos Islands.

As we approached Grand Turk the water was a spectacular turquoise and it was obvious the depth changed quickly not far from shore. The ship tied up at an angled jetty right next to the beach which also indicated the water must be very deep close to the shore.

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We could hear the local radio station broadcasting over speakers to the ship advising people of the tours they could purchase once on land.

We arrived at 1.00 pm and again we waited for the crowds to disembark so we did not have to wait in the hallways.

It was a 2 minute walk to shore, and again through the shops to get to the beach.

The beach looked absolutely fabulous, but actually had a rocky bottom which was quite difficult to walk on. Once we thought about this it was logical, as a sandy bottom beach would just lose all its sand at the drop off where it goes so deep.

Anyway, once we found a spot to put our towels, we ventured into the water. The temperature was great and we just lazed around enjoying the afternoon. It seemed quite strange swimming so close to the cruise ship.

The beach was lined with hundreds of deck chairs, but the early birds off the ship claimed those. We didn’t need one as we spent most of our time in the water.


This island has a small airport and was once a salt mine/processing plant. We could see the remnants behind the shops. Now the main industry is tourism and they seem to cater mainly for cruise ships.

There were lots of local boats that come to the boat areas next to the beach to take people on water craft rides. Groups went on inflatable lounges and devices similar to what we would call a biscuit at home. They seemed t have lots of fun and were all wearing life jackets which was good. On the other side of the jetty we saw people getting on flat bottomed craft to go on ship organised tours and some of the boats seems to be overloaded so we were glad we had not booked a tour.

We had a few drinks at Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville, right on the beach and again Paul tried all the local concoctions. Some were great, and other never to be repeated. We met an Aussie at the bar – we knew she was an Aussie when she asked if they had a full strength beer in a bottle – she too has been finding some of the beers a bit strange. Anyway, Rebecca and Paul were drinking Turk Head Beer which was nice lager similar to Corona. Then we saw people ordering Pina Coladas with the Turks Head Beer upturned in the same glass. Paul and Rebecca had to try it and surprisingly, me, the non beer drinker loved it. So we had a few of these and some jelly shots before strolling back to the ship for a 7pm departure.

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  1. Karen Newport

    Sounds divine – you may be converted Ruth and be able to make different beers now?

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