New York 1-6-13

New York 1-6-13

We had booked a cab to take us to Buffalo ($85 flat rate) to catch our flight to The Big Apple at 11.00 am. We left Niagara at 7.30 am and were lucky it only took 30 minutes of line up at the border crossing – we only needed to show our passports. We spoke to another lady who flew from Montreal and it took her 3 hours to get through customs at the airport before her flight.

We got to the Buffalo International Airport at about 8.45 am and once we had checked our baggage I realised our flight number was different to our booking – which was great as we were on an earlier flight which meant less waiting around.

The Delta flight had 2 seats each side so I had a window seat which I loved as we flew over New York to land at LaGuardia airport.

I took some shots from the plane but it was not as spectacular as our flight from Vancouver to Toronto – the landscape was more like we see in Australia.

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We then took a shuttle to the Novotel on Times Square ($35 for the 2 of us) and arrived about 1.30 pm.

We booked into our room (3304) with great views of Times Square and then went to have some lunch and explore Central Park while it was sunny.

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It was an interesting walk up 8th Avenue past 21 day old aging meat???? Etc etc.

I had imagined taking a buggy ride through the park (just like in the movies) and as we approached we were hassled by people renting pushbikes and offering pedicab rides. We walked through this mass of people and entered the park to get information from a more reliable source.

Those of you who have been here you would know the horse and buggies cost $50 for a 20 minute ride through just one part of the park, and we could not see any on the road in the park.

So then I began to think we should look into the pedicab rides. We approached a young guy to ask his prices and when he said $180 for one hour ($3 per minute on their ads) we walked away. His mate chased us and offered us the same for $75 so we took the deal. He also said if you don’t enjoy the ride, don’t pay me. He turned out to be a lovely young Turkish guy from Istanbul, putting himself through Uni doing his masters to be a movie director. He certainly earned his money pedalling us around Central Park and we really enjoyed the experience. (So Michelle, I have finally had my pedicab ride. I felt much safer then I would have in Nha Trang!!!).

We asked Gee, our pedicab driver why there were no buggies about and he said they were not allowed to work when it was so hot, and they would probably start again in the evening. Seemed strange to think these young guys could pedal people around but the horses could not work. The horses obviously have the better union!!!!

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Paul managed to find a barber shop on 7th Avenue and got his hair cut for $22 (plus tip of course). Same as he pays at home so that was a real surprise – and now he looks less woolly!

After a restful few hours in the cool of our hotel room we ventured down to Times Square. The lights were coming and it looked like a swarm of people from our room. The traffic didn’t seem to move at all so I was glad we were on foot and not in a taxi. We will do the hop on buses when we get back here next week.


We walked from our hotel on 52nd street down to 41st street where the crowds thinned out – then back again. Near the TKTS stand we stopped and talked to some locals. They said this crowding was very normal. People in front of the Marriott kept telling everyone to get off the footpath and walk on the street but didn’t say why. The locals said Michael Keaton was due to run through in his underpants for a movie shoot. There was a brass band setting up right in front of the Marriott. Perhaps people were hanging around hoping to be spotted in a movie or get an ‘extras’ part. Paul saw signs about giving consent in case you were filmed in the area – I missed all of this – just mesmerised by all the lights I guess.

There didn’t seem to be anything else happening – just masses of people walking laps and congregating near the street performers and buskers.

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We did not wait for Michael Keaton. We were then on a mission to get to the M&M shop to buy some peanut butter M&Ms….mmmmmm.

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It was very hot and humid and we had stupidly put our jeans back on to look more respectable. So we tried Appleby’s again for a few cooling drinks before heading back the hotel. I am always on the lookout for green vegetables as I have withdrawals if I miss more than a day or two. Paul found bean crisps and dip on the menu so we tried it. Crumbed, deep fried green beans – very nice. We didn’t like the dips but the beans were great on their own.

We have fast internet at the hotel and can use up to 3 devices so I have the laptop, mobile and eepad connected, catching up on everything. I have been introduced to Candy Crush which has filled a few waiting hours at airports and lounges. I have now put it on the eepad and also downloaded some more 4 pic/one word apps for Paul – he had finished all the ones we had before.

Just enjoyed the view from our room and caught up with people on viber. What a great app to talk from anywhere in the world for free – thanks for telling us about this Raewyn!

One disappointment – after year of watching Sex and The City I have not seen one person at all like “The girls”. Lucky we are back her for a week after our cruise – so I will keep looking! Perhaps I need to got to 5th Avenue!


  1. Leanne

    Glad you got your peanut butter M and M’s.we are having a good time in San Diego, just had the best meal in Little Italy. Glad you ar enjoying the bid apple, such a cool place best wishes xx

    1. Anonymous

      Hi, nice to hear from you, we spent today getting to know the subway and checking out west and East Village. Tomorrow we tackle the hop on bus! Glad you are enjoying San Diego. Is teh weather OK. Ruth

  2. Karen Newport

    Welcome to Candy Crush Ruth!! Be careful – its addictive hey? But relaxing when you are waiting for things to happen such as flights. Your trip sounds amazing – keep on having fun 🙂

    1. Anonymous

      Hi – yes I am addicted. Had to download the cheats – but still didn’t help much. But as you said its great when waiting for transport.

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